Espresso machine dripping espresso into brown coffee cup - sorso coffee


Sorso, which translates to “drip”, is an emerging coffee chain with shops located in Southern California, that specialize in Italian-style roasted coffee. Sorso’s goal is to keep their vibe authentic to Italian culture while having an independent spirit.

Coffee shop logo on burnt orange background - sorso coffee


An app was developed for the company with a straight-forward, intuitive interface to provide users a base to purchase drinks on the go and build up points for free drinks and other perks.  he brands language shifts away from conventional red hues and uses a vibrant burnt orange color, reminiscent of Italian espresso machines.
Design and strategy process notes, graphics, and inspiration for italian coffee shop - sorso
Greyscale wireframes UX design and annotations for Italian coffee shop app checkout - sorso
Coffee shop app visual design of coffee ordering process - sorso
Italian coffee shop items and branded packaging - sorso

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