Learn the ultimate methods to double your productivity, master your energy, your focus, and your life

Mhood time management workshops and consulting are designed to help individuals and working professionals to bring out the most within themselves and their lives. By removing distractions, building focus, and implementing specific methods of work, the goal is to help people get twice as much done is half the time. Meanwhile eliminating the stresses that modern life brings, and bringing clarity and direction back to their work and professional lives.
The perfecting of oneself is the fundamental base for all progress and moral development.

– Confucius
Upcoming Lecture and Workshop
Location: Springfield MA
Date: October 5th
Time: 10:00a – 12:30p
Mhood Mentoring red table and chair graphic

Pull up a chair, here is what its all about

When it comes to productivity, we have it all wrong. Our ways of work and going through life are clearly not working. The levels of stress and anxiety most individuals feel around life and work sometimes feels unmanageable, and this is no way to live. Our programs and workshops are designed to give people the power back to be confident in their abilities to manage their personal and professional lives.

How This Works: Doctoring Through Design

In the workshops and 1:1 consulting, we get to the root of the issues of distraction and our deviated working habits. This is because we need to first diagnose the issues that are holding you back before we come up with a solution. Once this is complete, we give you methods and strategies on better ways to work, and better ways to plan and organize your time (and the rest your life).
Mhood Mentoring red doctors bad graphic with stethoscope
Drawing compass with geometric graphic marks

Time & Self Management Designed Around the Individual

Your personal and business goals are unique, so there is no one size fits all approach. Each problem requires a unique solution and plan of action. The path to help you is designed and tailored around where you are currently, where you want to go and what may work best for you.
Floating book cover in red and white of DaVinci Method time management PDF

Another Item to Get Started

Download our free eBook on time management, this booked is filled with many of the ideas and processes in the workshops, and will get you moving in the right direction with your time and your work.

Upcoming Lecture and Workshop
Location: Springfield MA
Date: October 5th
Time: 10:00a – 12:30p

Progression Exists Where Procrastination Does Not

Everyone has the room and capacity to improve themselves and get better. The first and largest step is taking the time to commit and do it.

Ask yourself, what will my life look like down the road if I don’t make changes? This is a reality most people face, yet they never take the step toward fixing up the problems they have with their time (and self) management. Big change begins one movement at a time, and here is a good place to start.
Red graphic with track hurdle and outline geometry

What You Will Gain From Consulting & Workshops

  • Increased confidence in yourself from raising your productivity levels
  • Increased organization from implementing powerful new scheduling and productivity systems
  • Strengthen your focus and KNOW you can get anything done if you put your mind to it
  • Build a positive moral within your company due to clear and precise productivity communication
  • Learn how to remove all of your distractions and negative habits that are destroying your creativity and productivity
  • Powerful science backed methodologies to achieve master level focus and productivity
  • How to double (even triple) your productivity with this simple work process
  • How to eliminate all of your personal roadblocks to productivity and success
  • Hidden processes to highly effective work, making more money, create more free time, and drive innovation
Icon open minded
An Open Mind
Some of the ideas expressed may be new to you, so it is important to embrace the new to get rid of the old stuff that hasn’t been working.
Icon Rings of change
Willingness to Change
Once you begin implementing ideas and practices expressed, it is inevitable you will begin to change. You will be set on the path to continuous growth.
Icon ego left behind
Leave Your Ego Behind
There is no room for ego and nonsense (bullshit) here. The goal is to challenge yourself to be better. The only competition is with yourself. Period.
Icon work drive
Drive To Put in Work
The idea that the teacher doesn’t show up until the student is ready to learn applies here. Be willing to truly put in the time and the work. You will be glad you did.
Upcoming Lecture and Workshop
Location: Springfield MA
Date: October 5th
Time: 10:00a – 12:30p

Your Principal Mentor

Practitioner of the sweet science, former mason contractor, blue collar philosopher, and pursuer of overall human betterment, Matt provides straightforward mentorship and consulting based around personal experiences and extensive research around the subjects of psychology, time management and self-development.

Much of his style is based around his blue collar roots with the driving factor "lets help you get shit done". His consulting is designed around your particular case goals, and the workshops he runs around time management are just as rich with information, methods and mindsets. All of the teachings and practices are used in his personal life, which he practices, constantly.
Black and white photo of principal of Mhood Design

Every initial call is on me

Time waits for no man. Now is the time to get going in a new direction. Book a call and we'll help get you going on a better path, making the most of the time you have.
Old school red rotary phone for contact